Kick Monday’s Ass: I’m playing hooky this week (Nov 15, 2021)

It’s time to Kick Monday’s Ass…
Last week’s email touched a nerve. I think it was the highest amount of replies I’ve seen in a single email since I started this newsletter.
Either you’re really amused by my split email/social media personality, or at some point over your career you’ve struggled with the same thing as me.
How much of yourself do you put into a “professional” post vs a “personal” post?
I experimented with that a bit this weekend when I shared this on my biz page on FB (more on my trip in the next section):
Pic is of me standing near a 50th anniversary statue of Edna Mode from The Incredibles, mimicking her pose with pursed lips and a shrugged shoulder. It says, “I’m with Edna, dahling. No capes (at least not today).
Good news! I don’t really have any kind of entrepreneurial takeaway associated with posting that picture, other than I’m grateful to have built my business to the point where I can randomly indulge in things that matter to me, no matter how silly they may seem to others.
When I look back on my life, I don’t think Angie-from-corporate would even believe in this version of Angie. It’s about as polar opposite from trapped in the cube as you can get.
Corporate Angie drove 1-2 hours a day, each way… commuting to a job she loved but surrounded by people who made her life a living hell. That Angie couldn’t take time off unless it was approved in advance, and was convinced This Is How It Is.
Where current Angie just canceled all her meetings for Tuesday because a theme park was calling (and yes, my clients all actually know I’m playing hooky tomorrow – I made sure to move things around to accommodate my absence vs blowing deadlines to be a giant kid).
Current Angie is also sitting around in PJ pants and slippers, considering where to grab lunch (vs hurriedly shoving shoving vending machine snacks in her face in between meetings).
And that’s a change that happened in just five short years – 2016 to 2021.
The point I’m getting at is this: you don’t have to have the future all figured out to picture something different for yourself. It starts with defining what’s important to you – for me, it’s freedom and flexibility and fun vs making THE MOST MONEY EVER.
When you know what matters to you, you can take steps toward creating something that allows you to enjoy those things fully.
Speaking of doing business on your terms…
Check out the podcast…
Last week’s episode featured guest expert Chima Mmeje. She told a fucking amazing story about how she doubled down on her specialty and her high prices, even after people told her she wouldn’t succeed.
Now she’s got a waiting list of people who happily pay her prices. Click here to listen and hear how she did it.
Section 42: Life, The Universe, and Everything…
This weekend I found myself at Disney World, on an epic solo adventure. I wrote up part one here (complete with a few photos and a murder threat!).
Yesterday a friend of 15 years (!!) and I made up for lost time by cramming a road trip, several meals, and a long walk in a park with a herd (herd? Pod? Group? I’m too lazy to look up whatever you call a fuck ton) of manatees into one jam-packed outing. I’ll have a writeup on that posted soon, along with part two of my Disney day.
In the meantime I’ll leave you with this teaser, filled with ridiculously awesome dad jokes:
On repeat this week…
Since we’re relying heavily on Disney for today’s content, might as well indulge in my favorite Frozen song… In Summer.
I make zero apologies for getting this shit stuck in your head.
Rock on,
Bees a-buzzing, kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz
And I’ll be doing whatever snow does in summer
A drink, in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand
Prob’ly getting gorgeously tanned in summer
I’ll finally see a summer breeze, blow away a winter storm
And find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm
And I can’t wait to see, what my buddies all think of me
Just imagine how much cooler I’ll be in summer

If you’re an aspiring freelancer who’s working up the courage to leave the day job… good news! I’m sharing all the things I WISH I’d known before making the leap so that hopefully your journey goes a little more smoothly than mine.