If you’re human (which if you’re reading this I will cautiously assume you are)… then at some point you’ve probably let the fear of judgment, perfectionism, acceptance hold you back. That’s why I love this convo with Tarzan. She’s a shining example why embracing your quirks AND your strengths is key to forging the kinds of genuine connections that will take your business to the next level. Need some unfiltered, no-holds-barred inspiration? This one’s for you!
Can’t-Miss Moments From This Episode:
- Truth BOMB: the only definition of “success” that matters is YOURS. Tarzan and I dive deep into chasing our own bliss led to unexpected (and AWESOME) wins.
- The No-Pants Club: Now accepting applications. In a world obsessed with appearances, here’s how Tarzan and I broke free from the pressure to ‘look the part.’
- Need to recalculate the route? If you followed someone else’s GPS to “success” it might be time to change directions. Tarzan and I show you how to redefine your vision and set the kinds of KPIs that matter. Bonus: you might discover you’re closer than you think!
- Do you know WHY you set that goal? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spoken to an entrepreneur who hit a big, audacious goal and realized it wasn’t the instant recipe for happiness they thought. Tarzan and I break down goal setting in a way that leaves room for satisfaction and joy.
- “Authenticity” is probably the most hyped buzzword currently making the rounds. Tarzan and I will show you how to embrace your weird and wonderful self in a way that attracts your perfect people… without feeling sleazy or tricksy.
This one is jam-packed full of advice. Don’t miss out – listen now!
Tarzan’s Bio:
Tarzan Kay specializes in writing emails that are fun to read and more addictive than whatever you just marathon-watched on Hulu. Her programs and DIY courses teach business owners how to write highly-addictive, story-driven emails that sell without using coercive sales tactics. She spent the last three years quietly dismantling her 7-figure boss-babe empire and building a more inclusive online business that prioritizes people over profits. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her two children and one canoe.
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