Matt Hall: Being Weirdly You in Business

Matt’s business strategy is different from most. Instead of focusing on things like hitting X revenue and the latest and greatest marketing strategies, Matt focuses on doing what feels right and fun to him. But it took a couple hard knocks for Matt to get here. From losing his dream job to a Pandemic-encouraged perspective shift and whole lot in between, we go deep in this episode. Listen now. 

Can’t-Miss Moments From This Episode:

  • Too “woo” to be true? The science behind manifesting… and why the philosophy of “Just say what you want out loud and the Universe will provide!” is only half right.

  • Can you actually have fun if you run a serious business? Matt and I reveal the unexpected growth that happened when we both leaned into playfulness with our businesses.

  • Your work doesn’t matter as much as you think it does, and that’s a good thing! How an “everything that could go wrong DID go wrong” kinda day highlighted a different kind of value you can get from work (especially when things go sideways).

  • I was once terrified that I was “messing it all up” and it turns out I wasn’t alone. Thankfully Matt and I have had similar perspectives shifts on making mistakes. If you’ve been beating yourself up, you’ll want to hear this.

  • Faith is not a four-letter word: Matt tells a story about how things worked out during a pretty bleak time in his life, and it’s a perfect example of how sometimes things happen FOR you, rather than TO you. 

This one is jam-packed full of advice. Don’t miss out – listen now!

Matt’s Bio:

A recovering neurotic and cynical optimist, Matt is a co-founder of Common People Web Design. By learning to build websites instead of dating in high school, then later spending over a decade in conversion copy and content strategy, Matt’s developed a very un-specific set of skills. But they’re all different tools in the same toolbox: “Solving measurable business problems for humans”. 

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