How well do you know yourself, really? Are you intimately acquainted with your quirks? If your answer involves a puzzled shrug and a “not really,” you’re in good company. In today’s ep, Dotty and I are delving into the topic of self-awareness – think off-kilter thought patterns, sneaky biases, and all the weird ways our brains’ antics play out in the real world. Get ready to dive deep into self-discovery. Let’s go!
Can’t-Miss Moments From This Episode:
- Devastating blow or opportunity in disguise? Dotty and I reveal our secrets to processing setbacks and coming out on top when ‘sh$t happens.’
- Spoiler Alert: success is more of a hike than a leisurely stroll. When it comes to winning, the difference between ‘making it happen’ and ‘letting it slide’ comes down to this one little thing…
- This one’s a writer-downer: Thinking > Feeling > Actions > Results! Dotty shares how to think about your thinking, so you can consistently turn ‘I can’t’ into ‘I will.’ #feelthefeels
- Permission to Fail Spectacularly: If you’re not failing, you’re missing a golden opportunity. Dotty and I show you how failure is your ticket to self-discovery (and future success).
- What if there was a way to outsmart your own brain? Join Dotty and me as we unravel the power of understanding your thought patterns and reveal the simple question that’ll seriously accelerate your journey to success…
This one is jam-packed full of advice. Don’t miss out – listen now!
Dotty’s Bio:
Dotty brings 30 years of a blended experience of navigating individuals, leaders, and organizations through complex change. She’s been through burnout on several levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Like so many, Dotty sought solutions and relief through different corporate trainings and a variety of spiritual coaches, never fully accessing the root cause of her exhaustion and energetic misalignment.
It wasn’t until she went deep into self-discovery – both with her coach and mentors at the Linda Berens Institute where she uncovered the ‘adaptations’ she had created to deal with the drama and trauma in her life – that she was able to realign to her core being, her core personality. This enabled Dotty to tap deeply into her own Energy Wisdom, realign to her unique Energetic Blueprint and truly heal and transform her life.
Dotty has built a unique Energetic Blueprint framework that guides individuals through deep levels of observing (‘mirror’ work), accessing transformational rather than transactional levels of connection with themselves and others. Through deep observation – getting still – she guides clients through practices to deeply observe the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual landscapes to be able to intuit where change is needed. From that level of Energy Wisdom is born ‘Deep Action’ to uncover each individual’s unique Energetic Blueprint, shifting her clients’ experiences from burnout to energetic health.
Dotty creates safe, sacred space for her clients to surrender and receive. She creates experiences that allow clients to tap their innate Energy Wisdom. She brings a deep level of grace and devotion to her clients and groups, weaving a web of support to help them navigate transformation on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes in a holistic and sustainable way.
Resources and links mentioned:
- Dotty’s Website
- Dotty’s Free Energy Assessment
- Dotty’s October Women’s Retreat in Maine
- Dotty on Insta
Come kick ass with me:
- Permission to Kick Ass website
- Angie’s Facebook Page
- Angie on Insta
- Angie on YouTube
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