If you cringe with regret over the cash you’ve blown on courses, books, webinars, the list goes on… welcome to the club. We’re considering getting jackets. I’ve fantasized about building a time machine just to visit past Angie unleash a primal TRUST YOURSELF DAMMIT scream. But since time traveling isn’t (yet) a thing, consider this episode a friendly bitch slap of truth – you. are. enough. Listen now!
Can’t-Miss Moments From This Episode:
- Stuck in analysis paralysis? Dealing with a persistent case of shiny object syndrome? Deanna and I share our experiences with breaking out of limbo and finding a way forward. One of these approaches may just be the break you need…
- “Niching down” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially for neuro-spicy folk. That’s the bad news. The good news is you don’t have to pick a niche to become a go-to expert. Deanna shares her experience with exploring different clients and industries (and what she has to say may surprise you)…
- Does the idea of selling give you an icky feeling? What if your challenge wasn’t with the sale itself (because who doesn’t want money??), but the wonky way it’s being done? Deanna and I will show you how to change your relationship with sales to make $$$ in a way that feels good for you.
- Flipping the script: what if experiencing burnout is the key to discovering your hidden talents and strengths? Hear me out… I’m not advising you to deliberately aim to fry your brain. Here’s what I AM saying…
- CPK (doesn’t stand for California Pizza Kitchen): my favorite acronym for helping you keep a level head no matter how high the emotions are running. If you need a new approach for handling tricky client situations, Deanna and I have got you covered.
This one is jam-packed full of advice. Don’t miss out – listen now!
Deanna’s Bio:
Digital Marketing Strategist and host of the podcast, Eff That: Breaking the Rules of Online Business, Deanna Seymour knows the power of creativity, fun, and lettin’ your freak flag fly when it comes to marketing your business.
Whether she’s hosting an online coworking sesh or helping a client get over their fear of being on camera, Deanna uses humor and empathy to build a community that helps people feel seen, heard, and ultimately more comfortable in their own skin so they can have more fun getting in front of their perfect-fit clients.
When she’s not working with clients, she’s probably callin’ out sleazy marketing tactics, hangin’ with her fam, or sneaking in some crappy reality tv!
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