KMA March 23, 2020 – the natives are restless

It’s time to kick Monday’s ass…

Day 3429856 (I mean 10) of self quarantine and the natives are getting restless.

I strolled into my office this morning to this war of the whiteboard notes:

But in typical Angie style, I ain’t mad. I’m channeling that feistiness into something productive.

I made you a video about creativity in a time of crisis… and I think the inspiration behind it is pretty cool. I saw a news story about a taco restaurant in LA and how they pivoted in the wake of sweeping shelter in place orders that forced restaurants and bars to close their doors.

I admit – I haven’t always been a pivot kind of person. Historically I’ve been a worrier… I have a unique ability to spot problems coming down the pike. But it wasn’t until my former boss looked at me and said, “Hey Angie… got any ideas for solutions to these?” that I started to really think about what I was doing.

I focused on the problem. I let it take up all my mental space.

And quite simply, that meant there was no room for finding a solution because worrying had all my focus.

My friends, to quote Van Wilder… worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere.

So in that vein, I challenge you (me, all of us) to start thinking about solutions. The more of us who don’t give into overwhelm and fear paralysis, the more quickly (and wholly) we get out of this.

That brings us to…

Kick Monday’s Ass Video

This one is me getting a little ranty about the aforementioned problem approach vs a solution approach. That taco joint could have sat back and wallowed about food going to waste, people being laid off, and hard times ahead (not that I’m minimizing the very real fears associated with this pandemic).

Instead, they found a solution that allowed them to bring in five figures in sales (in the middle of a crisis! When people are broke and not spending, right? WRONG). I’m willing to bet that this goes a long way toward keeping them in business as soon as the turbulence is over. Here’s a link to the video in case you don’t see it embedded below.

Surviving the $%&# out of an economic downturn… you just gotta get creative.
So whatever you’re feeling, I give you permission to feel it. Then put it to the side and get to work finding a creative solution. There’s no one coming to save us, so it falls on us to save ourselves, then turn around and try to help others.

Badass of the Week

Speaking of helping others, my BotW is none other than Abbey Woodcock of the Freelance Co-op. When shit really started hitting the fan a couple weeks ago and cities started issuing shelter in place orders, Abbey reached out to me.

She told me she was starting a fund to help creative freelancers in their time of need, with disbursements of up to $250. I immediately pitched in because as I said above… we save ourselves.

I’m grateful to be in a place where I can afford to help. It wasn’t all that way… and I’m grateful with everything that I have that there were people around me willing to help me when I was down. So if you’ve got a little cash you’re itching to spend, I highly recommend Abbey’s Freelancer COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

You’ll get all kinds of good karma credit.

On Repeat This Week
The feisty feelings continue this week (as evidenced by the Monday video). Today I want to share my favorite band, Sevendust, with you.

This is one that’s on my workout playlist, and that makes an appearance whenever someone tells me I can’t do something.

Get out your gear and start your very own at-home mosh pit.

(and for you non-rocker types, I promise we’ll return to an eclectic smattering of jazz, standards, and possibly even show tunes. I’m not all rock all the time… but it’s definitely on my mind these days)

Happy Monday y’all… get out there and kick some ass (while practicing social distancing).

Rock on,

How come you never try to say my name?

“The Truth” by Sevendust



If you’re an aspiring freelancer who’s working up the courage to leave the day job… good news! I’m sharing all the things I WISH I’d known before making the leap so that hopefully your journey goes a little more smoothly than mine.

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