Welcome to another Tuesday edition of Kick Monday’s Ass.
I didn’t forget my days of the week this time, but I did do something I haven’t done in SIX WEEKS… I took a day off.
I didn’t open my laptop ONCE yesterday. Hell, I even tried to stay off my phone.
I read. I weeded. I dug up half my backyard, because those plant babies I showed you last week are suddenly plant godzillas. They’re crowding their pot and now I gotta move them somewhere with room to grow.
I was wonderfully, delightfully, deliberately bored. And man, did I NEED that.
All this to say… we hear people talk about “balance” all the time in the business world. Working toward that work-life balance, yo!
Here’s how I think of balance – it’s a swinging pendulum. Some days it swings toward OMG DEADLINES EVERYTHING IS ON FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRREEE and some days it swings toward “well, I guess today’s a good day to go dig up a metric ton of dirt and weeds and OMG WHAT IS THAT BUG??”
I can’t ever imagine getting to “perfect balance”. The highs makes the lows bearable. The lows make the highs amazing and meaningful.
Embrace the swing. And every once in awhile, play hooky. It’s good for the soul
That brings us to…
Kick Monday’s Ass Video
Fear is a big ol’ bitch isn’t it?
Constantly showing up when you’re trying to do something cool and being all, “but what if you do this thing and EVERYONE DIES?”
True story: I once somehow connected me advertising my business to eventual and inevitable nuclear winter. Turns out I am NOT the bringer of the end of the world (you’re welcome).
But still… it shows up every time I’m trying to do something big, or I’m trying to embrace that calling I feel deep in my soul.
I’ve made peace with the fact that it won’t just go away. In some cases I even embrace it. Here’s what I mean:
(here’s a link to the video in case you don’t see it embedded below): |