Adjectives are your enemy

“The road to hell is paved with adjectives.”
– Stephen King
I hate adjectives. Adverbs, too.
They sneak into our sentences like cat burglars and rob us of our meaning before we know what’s happened.
Relying on adjectives leaves your sentences open for interpretation.
Your version of painful might be in traction in the hospital.
Your reader might think you mean stubbing a toe.
When you’re miles apart in meaning, that’s when the misunderstandings start.
There’s a fix – descriptive nouns and verbs.
Why would you exclaim loudly when you can screech, yell, bellow, or holler?
I’ve never understood why you would walk quietly when you can pad or tip-toe or sneak or slink.
Your story could be very scary, or it could terrorize, intimidate, petrify, shock, or startle.
You might have a horrible headache, or a head that throbs, pounds, or smarts.
You could have a good time, or relish, cherish, savor, and live it up.
Don’t get caught in the adjective trap.
Scrutinize your words.

If you’re an aspiring freelancer who’s working up the courage to leave the day job… good news! I’m sharing all the things I WISH I’d known before making the leap so that hopefully your journey goes a little more smoothly than mine.