From the moment I met Sonia and saw her rocking hot pink hair, I knew she was someone I wanted to befriend. Today, we’re diving into topics that are close to our hearts… like embracing your unique self and recognizing you’re not going to be everyone’s cup of vodka! We’re here to harp on the beauty of being YOU, even when people want you to “tone it down” or “be more professional.” If you’re wondering if you’re doing this authenticity thing right, this one’s for you. Listen now!
Can’t-Miss Moments From This Episode:
- Teetering on the edge of burnout, trying to conquer the world in a day? If you’re a die-hard “gettin’ shit done” type (running on a toxic mix of adrenaline fumes, anxiety, and caffeine), Sonia and I will show you how to reach your goals without sacrificing your sanity.
- Let’s talk about the D-word: Deadlines. They’re such a good way to stay motivated and check things off the to-do list… and yet they’re also stressful AF. Sonia and I reveal when we’ve strategically blown deadlines (and how it actually HELPED instead of hurt).
- Spending hours on Candy Crush to avoid responsibilities? Doom scrolling for an hour? Stop punching yourself in the face: Sonia and I will show you a better way to escape the day to day… no self sabotage required.
- Sonia’s Universal Law: Everyone we admire is full of $hit about something (even if we think the sun shines out of their butt). People aren’t perfect, but what if we let that be okay?
- Reality check: you are the only YOU on this planet, and that’s pretty damn special. At the risk of getting a little ranty, do you know how many things had to line up just perfectly for you to exist? If you’re questioning your ability to stand out in the sea of competition, Sonia and I are here to guide you in unlocking your unique potential!
This one is jam-packed full of advice. Don’t miss out – listen now!
Sonia’s Bio:
Sonia Simone is a writer, marketer, and teacher. She was a founding partner of Copyblogger Media when it formed in 2010, and sold her interest in that company in 2019. Today she works closely with digital business owners to help them develop compelling and profitable offers.
Sonia estimates she’s written more than 1.3 million words over her career as a content marketer. She’s been amused to watch as her once “weird” content strategies have become mainstream best practices.
Sonia believes that marketing is, very simply, the sum total of what you communicate to your customers — both in words and actions. She also believes the audience is the source of all good things in business, and that’s the approach she teaches her audience, clients, and students.
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