Ron Reich: Behind the Scenes of Getting Seen

What makes somebody want to step out from behind the guru and become their own brand? For Ron and I, it started with a gut feeling. And it was also feelings like fear, doubt and anxiety that made us move (s-l-o-w-l-y) toward stepping into the limelight. When we did get ourselves out there, we found out owning our expertise wasn’t nearly as scary as we thought it would be. Today, we break down all the (mostly imagined) fears that keep you small… because the time for you to go big is NOW. 

Can’t-Miss Moments From This Episode:

  • When Ron quit law, he made a brilliant business move – teaching people how to become lawyers. Lest you think learning from a quitter sounds crazy, you gotta hear this to understand why the quitting part doesn’t matter.

  • Want the secret to being happy and fulfilled? According to Ron, it’s actually quite simple… you might even be doing it now and not realize it!

  • Walt Disney and George Washington are both failures. I SAID WHAT I SAID. If you’re deathly afraid of failing, Ron and I break down what it takes to get to the highest levels of success.

  • That Instagram post, Facebook Live, or blog you’ve been duh–raaaagging your feet on posting? Guess what… no one cares! Here’s why that is the best possible news for your growing business.

  • Ron has a marketing “hack” that’s more effective than your messaging or even your offer. Bold statement – I know. The simplicity of it will blow your damn mind (and some preconceived notions that have been holding you back).

This one is jam-packed full of advice. Don’t miss out – listen now!

Ron’s Bio:

Ron Reich is a sought-after marketing strategist and consultant.  A former lawyer, Ron has been selling online for over 10 years.  After launching over 50 of his own products in a variety of niches, he later became the “secret weapon” behind many of the biggest names in the industry including Hay House Publishing, Todd Herman, Selena Soo, Denise Duffield-Thomas and Ryan Levesque.  His current focus in helping emerging expert scale from six to seven figures through is proprietary marketing systems. 

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