It’s funny how often parental status makes its way into business conversations. I think colleagues ask about my baby-making plans about as much as my grandma does. With family and business so deeply tied to our identities, how to you put it all into perspective? How do you find the balance? We talk about all this (and more) in today’s episode. Plus, BONUS: can you tell how many times we default to talking with our hands?
Can’t-Miss Moments From This Episode:
- Bullshit brownie points and sarcastic gold stars: you don’t get extra goodies for doing everything all on your own, so stop that martyr shit right now
- Is what you’re doing keeping you stuck? Here’s one big mistake I made at the start of my freelance career that slowed down my growth and held me back for years
- Work-life identity crisis… from bis owner in Australia to baby mama in the US, how trying to shoehorn in biz talk to all the baby banter was a blow to Belinda’s confidence
- Get a life: the counter-intuitive reason why deliberately spending time away from your business is vital to your business’s growth and long-term success
- My mini meltdown about all the stunningly gorgeous brand photos I see other coaches doing (and what I did to get out of the funk and get moving again, without enlisting a team for a full makeover)
This one is jam-packed full of awesome. Don’t miss out – listen now!
Belinda’s Bio:
Belinda Weaver helps people write copy that makes them money. Whether it’s teaching copywriters how to run successful businesses or business owners how to write more effective copy Belinda has courses, coaching and mentoring that builds skills and confidence.
But she wasn’t always a copywriter. Belinda worked as a computer programmer, then in marketing before discovering copywriting was her jam. Since then, her business – Copywrite Matters – has not only survived but grown while she’s moved between Australia, England and the USA, and had two kids.
She cohosts the popular copywriting podcast, Hot Copy with Kate Toon and is regularly featured in the media such as Copyblogger, Business Insider, Amy Porterfield’s pod and The Copywriter Club.
An Aussie living in California with her pug, two daughters and husband (listed in order of neediness)… Belinda is obsessed with Doctor Who, English murder mysteries and making the perfect lemon curd.
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