13 – Jimmy Parent: The Generous Impulse

I don’t know how else to describe this episode other than “fun”. I certainly didn’t expect to riff like we did, let alone about so many different topics. Jimmy, who when asked to provide a bio, first submitted “I am Batman!”, requires quotes over an explanation…

Out of Context Quotes from this Episode:

  • “The reason why that’s true is because I made it up.”
  • “My parents were understandably pissed because my dumb ass called home and said, so I’m going to move into my car. If you’re going to live in your car, maybe tell your parents after you’ve gotten out of the car.”
  • “Poof, I’m a ghost.”
  • “I didn’t get up in the middle of the night to go pee. You’re not going to get up and go swim.”
  • “Jimmy’s about to cliffhanger the F@*& out of you.”

Can’t-Miss Moments in this Episode:

  • One guiding principle Jimmy and I have both used to grow our careers (and somehow give the appearance of being “everywhere, all the time”)
  • Breaking sales records in less than half the time: the thing Jimmy did differently from his counterparts that had him on the leaderboard AND in hot water with his boss
  • The road to entrepreneurship is apparently paved with attempts at a ton of different jobs
  • Four damn near magical words to tell yourself before you try something new (these will instantly take the pressure off, and remove the sting of “what if this doesn’t work?”)
  • Angie’s pivot point: my personal crossroads as a writer, with one path leading to safety and waiting tables, and the other leading right here, to this very podcast episode!

We had so much fun on this episode we’ve ALREADY recorded part two. Don’t miss out – listen now!

Jimmy’s Bio:

For YEARS I scraped the earth, digging for the holy grail of persuasion… because while it seems like while everyone wants to manipulate you into doing what they want, I couldn’t do it. I hated the feeling of tricking people into buying from me.

Then I realized that you can’t persuade anyone… especially if it’s your idea for them to buy. But if it’s THEIR idea to buy, then they’ll persuade themselves, and you can’t talk them out of it.

So instead of asking, “how can I persuade people do what I want?” I asked, “how do people persuade themselves to justify doing what they want?”

Because if you knew that, then you could lay out the breadcrumbs so the idea to buy becomes THEIR idea… not yours.

So ever since then, I’ve been studying the art and science of how people persuade themselves. BOOM.

Resources and links mentioned:

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