Permission to Kick Ass Podcast
Prepare your earholes for awesome.
This show is all about freelancing and entrepreneurship (and all the fears, roadblocks, and head trash that come along with it). Join me—your host, Angie Colee—as I talk to creative entrepreneurs from all points along the journey, whether they’re just starting out or experienced industry leaders.
Interested in being a guest? Check out the manifesto and apply!
Mike Lukas: Finding the Funny in Business (and Life)
Ever feel like you're stuck on the world's wonkiest roller coaster? Being neurodivergent in business is kinda like that, especially when everyone else is operating by some sort of “rulebook” we haven’t been given access to....
Dawn Wiggins: Crazy Ideas, Bold Moves & Trusting Your Intuition
OK, so maybe stuff sucks right now. Maybe you’re tempted to go all the way down the rabbit hole and permanently move into Pity Party City (been there, done that, got the party hat). Before you...
Dr. Salvatore Forcina: Setbacks to Stepping Stones
We all have goals that we want to achieve, and we all have challenges and head trash to navigate in order to reach ‘em. If you’ve been feeling beaten down and like you're the only one...
Sarah Walton: Redefining Your Relationship with $$$
For Sarah, 2022 was a self-proclaimed “baptism by fire”. We’re talking divorce, major health crises with multiple family members, and even freaking melanoma! Her realization that, “OK, life is going to happen, and I can still...
Melissa Harstine: Give Yourself What You Need to Succeed
When did life become all about that work grind, and when did we sign up for this never-ending "human doing" gig? Melissa and I are here to help you break free from this workaholic matrix and...
Keri Ohlrich: Mind Over Misunderstandings
Have you ever had an issue with a colleague or client you just could NOT let go of? Dr. Keri Ohlrich is here to help, since she’s a master in conflict resolution (literally, she has a...
Lisa Robinson: Making your money work for you
“I need this client”, “I need to suck it up and put up with this BS situation so I can pay my bills”… Sound familiar? No shame in that game - we all start where we...
Karen Kossow: Knowing What You Don’t Want
Karen knows a thing or two about juggling a full plate (seriously, I don’t know how she does it). In this episode, we're diving headfirst into the power of embracing the season you're in, instead of...
Tarzan Kay: When to walk away from what you’ve built
If you’re human (which if you're reading this I will cautiously assume you are)... then at some point you've probably let the fear of judgment, perfectionism, acceptance hold you back. That’s why I love this convo...
Sena Wheeler: Navigating the Ever-Changing Business Waters
I LOVE Sena’s story - especially since she built a business that people don’t usually see as “doable” in the online space. There’s a TON of complexity in shipping fresh caught fish - and Sena held...