New Orleans: food porn edition

We interrupt your feed with this breaking news: there is no “neat” way to eat a beignet.
You will be coated in powdered sugar. The birds will follow you like you’re Snow White. Just embrace your Disney princess moment, and accept that generous dusting of sugar as avant garde fashion.
May be an image of 1 person and body of water
If you haven’t yet experienced the pleasure of a beignet, they are

deep fried doughnut-esque goodness buried under a mountain of powdered sugar, especially when procured in New Orleans.
The culprits behind yesterday’s Disney moment:
No photo description available.
In other news, I think second line bands are my new favorite thing.
Then I got to have an amazing working lunch while writing on my new favorite thing, my ReMarkable tablet.
May be an image of french fries
May be an image of drink


If you’re an aspiring freelancer who’s working up the courage to leave the day job… good news! I’m sharing all the things I WISH I’d known before making the leap so that hopefully your journey goes a little more smoothly than mine.

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