There are always going to be reasons NOT to step up and lead… and stepping into the unknown is always scary.
But the sooner you can toss the head trash in the bin where it belongs, the sooner you can own that expertise you’ve EARNED… and do it with confidence.
Badass of the Week
BotW goes out to a young lady named Alexandra Castillo. I was reading the local news this weekend and came across this article about this little badass…
She’s been selling homemade face masks to earn money to fund a food pantry for her local neighborhood.
She’s in THIRD GRADE and she’s out there working hard to make a difference. And she’s not stopping to think, “well I can’t save everyone, so I might as well not even try”.
At so young, to realize that every little bit helps, and that you don’t have to be a bigwig to help… it’s amazing.
In fact, I heard this awhile back and it’s stuck with me… if you ever become rich, who you are doesn’t change. If you were giving and generous before you came into money, you’ll continue to be that to an even great degree after you’ve got money. If you were a selfish penny pincher before you had money to spare, you’ll continue to be that.
So remember that if you ever find yourself trapped in that “I don’t have enough to help” loop. If you don’t have money to give, you can still give your time. Generosity always comes back.
On Repeat This Week
This weekend my boyfriend took off to visit family in another state… he’s gonna be gone for an entire month.
Not gonna lie… I had a few “woe is me” moments, wrapped up in a blanket watching movies and eating pizza.
But this is one of those cases where I used music to lift my mood. I found a playlist on Spotify called “Have a Nice Day” and after conneting to my Bluetooth speaker, spent time dancing around my house and singing this one at the top of my lungs.
Hopefully it lifts your mood as much as it did mine.
It’s Monday y’all… get out there and kick some ass.
Rock on,
Angie |