Kick Monday’s Ass: I’m not freaking out, I’m not freaking out… (March 1, 2021)

It’s time to kick Monday’s ass…
T-minus one week until the launch of this podcast, and I gotta admit… I’m a tiny bit overwhelmed. Not to mention occasionally freaking out about OMG WILL THEY LIKE IT?!
But I had an interesting realization last week, while my worries about whether folks will like it had me spinning my wheels and resisting the work…
When I’m creating for ME, for the sheer joy of it, I can’t WAIT to get to work.
Here’s how it went down… Monday and Tuesday I was staring at my mile-long to-do list, including rewriting my website, cutting a new trailer, reaching out to guests to get bios and headshots, etc etc etc ad nauseam.
Instead of moving down the list and checking things off, I was stuck – spiraling around this idea of “I’m putting all this work and effort in and if they don’t like it, it was a waste.”
My mastermind buddies talked me off the ledge, and one of them kindly reached out in private to let me know if I was overwhelmed and super busy, we could reschedule her podcast recording slot to another day.
She was set to record last Wednesday – and was willing to give me that time back so I could get my head on straight.
Here’s the thing though – I deliberately made Wednesday my recording day. That’s so I have something to look forward to in the middle of any given week. I’ve only been recording episodes for a couple months now, but so far every single recording session has left me SUPER pumped, confirming this thing I’m creating will be AWESOME and people are going to get a lot out of it.
So I thanked her for her kind offer to reschedule, and then told her, “nah – let’s keep it on the books.”
I am SO glad I didn’t reschedule. That energy boost I get from just being in the moment, talking and recording and creating? It hit me just as I expected, right after recording… reminding me that even if I’m the only one who gets anything out of this podcast, that’s time and effort well spent.
That’s my reminder to you this week: don’t build it for THEM. Whatever you’re building, create it for YOU. Make it fun to work on and you’ll enjoy every day you’re doing it – even the hard days.
And now, let’s jump into this week’s video…
Kick Monday’s Ass: busy work vs BUSINESS work
I know as I get ready to launch this podcast, I’ve been resisting pretty hardcore… and distracting myself with the endless to-dos. But some of those things are productive and will help with the launch – others are distracting and won’t help a whole hell of a lot. So today I needed a reminder… am I working on business, or busy work?
Here’s one to think about… is what you’re doing MAKING you money, or COSTING you money? I’ve seen some of my clients lose months’ worth of potential revenue doing this. They really, truly felt like they couldn’t go out and get business until they had built a website… and then it took them months (or even years) to get that website built.
In my case, I took a year to build my first website – and I was so embarrassed by that homemade monstrosity that I never actually sent people to it. And that was my lightbulb moment… I spent all my time waiting to prospect until I did this thing. And then when I did the thing, it didn’t actually have as big an impact on my business as I thought. So if you find yourself in a similar boat to early-stage Angie, here’s how you can stop stalling and get shit done…
Badass of the Week
This week’s badass is someone I personally met while out and about, exploring Memphis.
Heads up: Miss Beatrice, the co-owner of this candy shop, has a filthy mind and lots of corresponding filthy jokes. But her outrageous sense of humor and upbeat attitude won me over in mere minutes.
I’m a fan of Beale Sweets Sugar Shack – and I’m so glad that serendipity led me to walking in the doors last week. Beatrice is having way more fun than all of us, working in her little shop. And I hope she inspires you/reminds you business can be fun.
Read the full story (with pictures!) here on my blog.
(If you know someone who should be featured as my Badass of the Week, leave a comment and tell me!)
On Repeat This Week…
This one’s called Remember the Name by Fort Minor.
With the podcast dropping next week, I’m all about keeping up the energy. This is on my workout playlist and is guaranteed to fire me up and keep me working through reps even when I’m tired.
Forget Mike, nobody really knows how or why he works so hard
It seems like he’s never got time
Because he writes every note and he writes every line
And I’ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mind
It’s like a design is written in his head every time
Before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme
And those motherfuckers he runs with, the kids that he signed
Ridiculous, without even trying, how do they do it?
This is ten percent luck
Twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure
Fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

If you’re an aspiring freelancer who’s working up the courage to leave the day job… good news! I’m sharing all the things I WISH I’d known before making the leap so that hopefully your journey goes a little more smoothly than mine.