Kick Monday’s Ass: Competition is Actually a GOOD Thing (December 14, 2020)

It’s time to kick Monday’s ass…
Here’s something funny… I’ve listened to the same story 5 nights in a row. And I STILL don’t know how it ends. I fall asleep every time, well before I get to the conclusion.
And that’s actually a good thing… because it’s a “sleep story” on my Calm app.
That’s the idea… that it’s a story that lulls you to sleep. It’s been working so far, only I didn’t know just how frustrated I’d get not ever hearing the ending LOL.
I’ve been using the Calm app a lot more than I initially thought I would, too. I’m already inherently skeptical of “that hippie shit” when it comes to meditation and mindfulness. Don’t blame me, it’s a common attitude in the southern US (where I’m from) – and that’s why I immediately bought a copy of the book “Meditation for the Fidgety Skeptic” when it came out.
It’s interesting how a label changes our perceptions of something…
A story that puts you to sleep sounds like something horrible until you realize it’s a “sleep story” and that’s what it’s supposed to do.
“Meditation” makes you feel judgy/some kind of way until you read a book that shows you some of the self-soothing practices you’ve developed are actually common in meditation (definitely looking at myself on that one).
I bet if you took a look at your labels you might notice some similar thought patterns that influence how you perceive things. Food for thought.
And now for this week’s video…
Kick Monday’s Ass: why competition is actually a GOOD thing for you and your business
I was talking to a coaching student who expressed a pretty common fear in entrepreneurship: “but I don’t know if I can build a business in that market because there’s already a ton of competition”.
I hear you. I get why that’s something that might wig you out. And I’m about to flip that idea on its head and show you why you should EMBRACE competition vs. avoid it.
Badass of the Week
I often talk about entrepreneurs and hustlers and fundraisers in this particular column, because I love seeing people dreaming (and doing) big out there in the world.
But often before we get to the big stuff, we’ve gotta start small… like barista Eddie Aldrete did this week for a little boy battling cancer.
I’ve noticed that in myself from time to time, and maybe you’ve seen it too… this tendency to wait for the big thing, and overlook the little ways I can make a difference on a small scale, every day.
For Eddie, this was a simple conversation had at the drive-thru at work. For 9-year-old Cole, that kind word had a huge impact on his outlook.
My challenge to you this week, as we head into a holiday that looks drastically different from the norm… find a way to show a little extra kindness where you can. I think you’ll find it helps not only the person you’re being kind to, but also changes your own perspective.
(If you know someone who should be featured as my Badass of the Week, leave a comment and tell me!)
On Repeat This Week…
This one’s been stuck in my head for a day or two. What strikes me about her is how young she is and how insightful her lyrics are. Her voice has the soul of someone who’s lived decades longer than she has – and she punches me right in the feels with line like this:
And it feels like yesterday was a year ago
But I don’t wanna let anybody know
‘Cause everybody wants something from me now
And I don’t wanna let ’em down
I had a dream
I got everything I wanted
But when I wake up, I see
You with me
If I could change
The way that you see yourself
You wouldn’t wonder why you hear
They don’t deserve you

If you’re an aspiring freelancer who’s working up the courage to leave the day job… good news! I’m sharing all the things I WISH I’d known before making the leap so that hopefully your journey goes a little more smoothly than mine.