Kick Monday’s Ass
Kick Monday’s Ass: I’m playing hooky this week (Nov 15, 2021)
It’s time to Kick Monday’s Ass… Last week’s email touched a nerve. I think it was the highest amount of replies I’ve seen in a single email since I started this newsletter. Either you’re really amused by my split email/social media personality, or at some point over your career you’ve struggled with the same thing…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: mild identity crisis in progress, nothing to see here (Nov 8, 2021)
It’s time to Kick Monday’s Ass… It’s important to surround yourself with people you trust to give it to you straight. That much is true in life, and in business. It was certainly true for me last week when my friend Jimmy Parent served me a righteous bitch slap of truth. I was at a…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: accepted and rejected by the same place (Nov 1, 2021)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… Today I want to tell you a little story about the time I got rejected by and accepted to THE SAME PLACE. By the time I was thinking about grad school (this was over a decade ago, right as the Great Recession was swinging into full gear), I’d been…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: just in time for Halloween (Oct 25, 2021)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… A funny thing happened on my way to St Pete this weekend… On the road, I got an invite from a friend to attend a concert later that evening. I responded with a hell yeah when I stopped off at a gas station, and continued on my way, with…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: thanks universe (Oct 18, 2021)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… I’ve been thinking a lot about timing lately, and the interesting (and often maddening) impact it has on our lives. One year ago, I was barely keeping it together. I was just a week out from the infamous unexpected breakup and in pure survival mode. It was one of…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: there’s your subject line (Oct 11, 2021)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… Lately I’ve spent a lot of time with marketer friends. Since we’re all big nerds, we came up with a new game called, “There’s Your Subject Line”. It’s my new favorite game, by the way… because like a lot of folks, when I sit down to write my brain…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: permission slip (Oct 4, 2021)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… Yesterday I booked my last Airbnb of 2021. That’s such a trippy thing to say. It’s been a year (almost) since the split and 11 months of life on the road… already?! How do I keep blinking and missing my own fucking life? Weird wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff aside, I’ve learned…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: what are the odds? (Sept 20, 2021)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… Today l’ve got a lot of gratitude. Partially because I got to hang with my family this weekend in a whirlwind trip to Houston and back for my 69-year-old father’s sudden nuptials. But also partially because of the universe’s timing (and sense of humor). My dad said something this…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: inventing problems (Sept 13, 2021)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… Have you ever invented a problem? I do it a lot, and I’m trying to break that pattern. It looks a little something like this: 1. Here’s a thing I think I want to do. 2. Here’s alllllllllllllllllllll the things that could go wrong and/or make that experience horrible.…
Read MoreKick Tuesday’s Ass: front porch sittin’ time (Sept 7, 2021)
It’s time to kick MondayTuesday’s ass… Yesterday was Labor Day here in the states, and for once I decided to celebrate by doing as little labor as possible (hence why you’re getting Monday’s email on a Tuesday). Since it’s my last week in Savannah, I’ve committed to getting in as much front porch sittin’ time…
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