best biz buds

Something a little strange (and a little fun) happened to me a few months back.
I was talking with a friend about hosting a business building event that coincided with my travels.
He popped off with, “you should call it Eat Play Launch”.
As soon as I heard him say it (hi Chris!) I knew he was right… and within weeks I not only had a plan, I’d started inviting folks.
Here’s the thing… before that moment I’d been thinking about that event on and off for about 7 months. I knew there was something there, but was having trouble figuring it out inside my own head.
It’s funny how a peer can reflect an idea back to you in a way that makes everything just CLICK.
That’s why I’m excited to share that my friend Kevin Rogers just opened up his Escape Velocity coaching program.
It’s all about launching your freelance copywriter career FAST, even if you’re starting from scratch with zero experience.
I’ve been one of Kev’s coaches for several years now and one thing I see happen time and again is how every “cohort” builds these damn near unbreakable bonds.
The students wind up growing their businesses, sharing resources, and helping each other level up for years and years after they go through the initial coaching.
That’s not just something I’ve observed – it’s something I’ve experienced, too! Chris and I go way back… all the way back to one of Kev’s coaching programs that we took together in 2016.
Chris came to work with me when I started running Jeff Walker’s copy team. And when I left that role, I went to work with Chris and help him grow his own marketing agency and info publishing company.
That’s the power of a peer group – they help you believe in yourself when your own faith falls short. They inspire you to reach farther and do better work than you ever thought possible. And hey, you get some pretty damn good coaching and education as part of this package too.
So if you’re thinking of getting serious about a career as a freelance copywriter, I encourage you to check out Escape Velocity.
Rock on,
P.S. If you join Escape Velocity through my link, I may get a small commission for referring you. I make it a point to only share products and services created by people I know, and that I’ve personally vetted.
P.P.S. I’ve had some folks write in to ask about whether EV is a good fit. Totally understand. If you hit reply and ask me, I will give you an honest assessment even if it means no commission for me. I believe in getting folks to where they need to be so they can go farther, faster.

If you’re an aspiring freelancer who’s working up the courage to leave the day job… good news! I’m sharing all the things I WISH I’d known before making the leap so that hopefully your journey goes a little more smoothly than mine.