An adventure for Christmas part 3: gatos and golf carts

For part two (bodies, butterflies, and butter chicken) click here. My dad and stepmom are big history buffs. Like everyone else in the family, when I first proposed an adventure for Christmas, they were kinda bewildered. But shortly after I shared the castle trip experience (part 1, click here to read), they suggested we visit…

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Kick Monday’s Ass: the gift that keeps on giving (Dec 13, 2021)

It’s time to Kick Monday’s Ass… Heeeeeey December. I’m happy for the upcoming holidays, but you can keep your existential crisis bullshit. That’s not really the gift I wanted, yo. I know I’m not alone in that feeling. This time of year can be rough for just about everyone, between the extended hours of darkness,…

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Kick Monday’s Ass: must stay fully clothed (Dec 6, 2021)

It’s time to Kick Monday’s Ass… I saw this at the gym yesterday and it caught me off-guard: Pic is of a freestanding digital scale at my local gym. It has a label on it that says “Must stay fully clothed.” If you didn’t already know, there’s a school of thought that says to get…

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