Archive for October 2020
Kick Monday’s Ass: There’s Always Going to Be a Reason NOT To (October 19, 2020)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… So last week I kinda vague-booked about how weird things are in my world right now. I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice it to say in a short timeframe my plans have completely changed. Last weekend, I had one picture of my next steps in life…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: Finding the Road Forward (Oct 12, 2020)
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… This is a weird week for me. Normally I’m pretty open about my life, but my mentors have shown me the wisdom in showing scars vs open wounds. Suffice it to say, I’m facing a few massive life changes. And I know I’ll get through them and figure out…
Read Morebreaking it down: how I keep things stupidly simple
I have a confession to make: I get easily overwhelmed. If you haven’t met me, hi my name is Angie and this is awkward. If you know me, you’re probably looking at your computer a little like this: Especially since hi, I specialize in really complex marketing plans involving multiple channels of communication, upwards of…
Read MoreKick Monday’s Ass: all about your “why”
It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… Check out this weird faceless dude: (If you’re not seeing an image above, you may need to enable them) He’s the product of a year gone bonkers. Seriously, I have no idea how it’s already October. In the art world, at least on Instagram, October is known as Inktober…
Read Morerejection is part of the process
“Another one for the hook…” I’m paraphrasing the punch line of a great story told by Stephen King in his book, On Writing. Back in the day, he’d work his day job and submit stories and book ideas on the side. And he’d get letter after letter back – no. So he hung a hook…
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