Kick Monday’s Ass: the importance of the “kudos folder”

It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… I’m feeling pretty low energy this week. If you’re not in a hurricane prone area, the stress of watching a storm coming in for weeks is probably not something you’re familiar with. (trust me – that’s a GOOD thing) It’s… sucky. In a word. Because the forecasters never know where…

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Kick Monday’s Ass: mastering your mental state

It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… This week I find myself balancing precariously on the limb as everyone around me loses their GAHT DAMN MINDS in advance of the tropical storms heading this way. I live in Houston – and if you don’t live here you probably don’t see the 24/7 hurricane coverage and the…

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making a masterpiece of the leftovers

I grew up with a single mom, as one of three kids. And one of the things my mom was REALLY good at was stretching every dollar well beyond its breaking point. That meant a lot of buying in bulk, grabbing the clearance meat and throwing it in the freezer, and a LOT of easy…

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Kick Monday’s Ass: short circuiting the anxiety spiral

It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… This is one of those days where I wish I had some sort of genius, inspired intro for you… and the brain is just not cooperating.There will be days like that for you, in business and in life. The best thing you can do is give yourself grace, do…

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now what?

John had THE big idea. He invented the Facebook for golf lovers, and he just KNOWS he’s on track to rake in millions of dollars in the next couple years. All he needs are some investors and some beta users and a little buzz/word of mouth, right? It sells itself. So he starts on the…

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KMA: recalibrating your brain

It’s time to kick Monday’s ass… Waffles are a straight-up miracle, yo.(If you hate waffles, what is wrong with you?)I had a waffle last week that changed my life, no joke. I was gonna post a picture for you but my email service provider is being a bit of a butt right now. Suffice it…

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